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KY IEP Advocate, based in Louisville, KY, offers specialized education planning services to families as they navigate the special education process in the classroom.​


Organization founder, Shannon Masterson, is an occupational therapist specializing in creating effective Individualized Education Plans for students at every age. Whether you're navigating the special education system with your toddler for the first time, or seeking guidance as your senior wraps up their high school career, KY IEP Advocate is here to help.


Once you’ve taken some time to read through the information here, we look forward to talking with you about personalized next steps. 


Looking for a quick answer? Visit our Frequently Asked Questions section or check out our Tips and Tricks. Prefer a video, IEP Advocate owner and occupational therapist, Shannon Masterson, will answer your questions in the video section.  Still not finding the answers you need? Don’t worry, email us and we’ll be happy to help.

If you're overwhelmed by the IEP process, we can help. Contact us today!

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