Support the critical work of KY IEP Advocate

Become a Sponsor
Growth will not happen without the generous support of sponsors and donors. Gifts at any level allow us an opportunity to fulfill our mission and offer IEP services and support at no cost in order to assist parents as they navigate the special education process. If you'd like to make a donation, click here to learn more.
Support KY IEP
Sponsorship Opportunities
Vision Partner - $30,000
Our Vision Partner is our most important sponsor. This sponsorship allows for a three year commitment, pledging $10,000 toward the organization each year. The goal of this sponsorship is to provide support for the ongoing growth of the organization. This partner will be featured in all collateral, social media, website, and highlighted in all future events.
Community Partner - $10,000
Our Annual Community Partner will provide the funding for further research development, and growth of the organization. Our Community Partner is reserved for one individual or corporation annually. This partner will be featured in all collateral, social media, website, and highlighted in all future events.
Programming Partner - $5,000
Our programming partner will support monthly training programs for parents in our community. This sponsorship will provide parents with access to our in-person and virtual programs, as well as collateral materials (notebooks, pens, learning packet) to aid in their process. Sponsor logo and mission statement will be displayed on class collateral, as well as an opportunity to speak for 1-3 minutes at the introduction of our class.
Awareness Partner - $4,000
Our awareness partner will support our ongoing efforts by underwriting the costs associated with the content creation and development of our marketing materials, electronic newsletters, and social media engagement. Sponsors logo placement will be displayed on all collateral and social media channels
Web Development Partner - $3,000
Our web development partner will support the design and content creation of our website as we continue to offer more resources to parents online. Sponsors will receive logo placement on our website.
shannonm@kyiepadvocate.com | 502-386-1072